Religious Landscape Study (2024)


Belief in God among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say they…





SurveyyearBelieve in God; absolutely certainBelieve in God; fairly certainBelieve in God; not too/not at all certainBelieve in God; don't knowDo not believe in GodOther/don't know if they believe in GodSamplesize
200777%14%3%< 1%2%3%2,266

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:belief in God by state

Learn More: belief in God, Believe in God; absolutely certain, Believe in God; fairly certain, Do not believe in God

Importance of religion in one's life among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say religion is…





SurveyyearVery importantSomewhat importantNot too importantNot at all importantDon't knowSamplesize
201463%23%7%8%< 1%2,535

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:importance of religion by state

Learn More: importance of religion in one's life, Very important, Somewhat important, Not too important, Not at all important

Attendance at religious services among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who attend religious services…





SurveyyearAt least once a weekOnce or twice a month/a few times a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:religious attendance by state

Learn More: attendance at religious services, At least once a week, Once or twice a month/a few times a year, Seldom/never

Frequency of prayer among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who pray…





SurveyyearAt least dailyWeeklyMonthlySeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:frequency of prayer by state

Learn More: frequency of prayer, At least daily, Weekly, Monthly, Seldom/never

Frequency of participation in prayer, scripture study or religious education groups among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who attend prayer group…





SurveyyearAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral times a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:attendance at prayer groups by state

Learn More: frequency of participation in prayer, scripture study or religious education groups, At least once a week, Once or twice a month, Several times a year, Seldom/never

Frequency of meditation among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who meditate…





SurveyyearAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral times a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:frequency of meditation by state

Learn More: frequency of meditation, At least once a week, Once or twice a month, Several times a year, Seldom/never

Frequency of feeling spiritual peace and wellbeing among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who feel a sense of spiritual peace and wellbeing…





SurveyyearAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral times a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:frequency of feelings of spiritual wellbeing by state

Learn More: frequency of feeling spiritual peace and wellbeing, At least once a week, Once or twice a month, Several times a year, Seldom/never

Frequency of feeling wonder about the universe among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who feel a sense of wonder about the universe…





SurveyyearAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral times a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:frequency feeling a sense of wonder about the universe by state

Learn More: frequency of feeling wonder about the universe, At least once a week, Once or twice a month, Several times a year, Seldom/never

Sources of guidance on right and wrong among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say they look to…most for guidance on right and wrong





SurveyyearReligionPhilosophy/reasonCommon senseScienceDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:sources of guidance on right and wrong by state

Learn More: sources of guidance on right and wrong, Religion, Philosophy/reason, Common sense, Science

Belief in absolute standards for right and wrong among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say…




SurveyyearThere are clear standards for what is right and wrongRight or wrong depends on the situationNeither/both equallyDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:belief in existence of standards for right and wrong by state

Learn More: belief in absolute standards for right and wrong, There are clear standards for what is right and wrong, Right or wrong depends on the situation

Frequency of reading scripture among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who read scripture…





SurveyyearAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral times a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:frequency of reading scripture by state

Learn More: frequency of reading scripture, At least once a week, Once or twice a month, Several times a year, Seldom/never

Interpreting scripture among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say the holy scripture is…

SurveyyearWord of God; should be taken literallyWord of God; not everything taken literallyWord of God; other/don't knowNot the word of GodOther/don't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:interpretation of scripture by state

Learn More: interpreting scripture, Word of God; should be taken literally, Word of God; not everything taken literally, Not the word of God

Belief in Heaven among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who …in heaven





SurveyyearBelieveDon't believeOther/don't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:belief in heaven by state

Learn More: belief in Heaven, Believe, Don't believe

Belief in Hell among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who …in hell





SurveyyearBelieveDon't believeOther/don't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:belief in hell by state

Learn More: belief in Hell, Believe, Don't believe


Party affiliation among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who identify as…





SurveyyearRepublican/lean Rep.No leanDemocrat/lean Dem.Samplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:political party by state

Learn More: party affiliation, Republican/lean Rep., No lean, Democrat/lean Dem.

Political ideology among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who are…





SurveyyearConservativeModerateLiberalDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:political ideology by state

Learn More: political ideology, Conservative, Moderate, Liberal

Views about size of government among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who would rather have…





SurveyyearSmaller government; fewer servicesBigger government; more servicesDependsDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about size of government by state

Learn More: views about size of government, Smaller government; fewer services, Bigger government; more services

Views about government aid to the poor among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say government aid to the poor…




SurveyyearDoes more harm than goodDoes more good than harmNeither/both equallyDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about government aid to the poor by state

Learn More: views about government aid to the poor, Does more harm than good, Does more good than harm

Views about abortion among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say abortion should be…





SurveyyearLegal in all/most casesIllegal in all/most casesDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about abortion by state

Learn More: views about abortion, Legal in all/most cases, Illegal in all/most cases

Views about hom*osexuality among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say hom*osexuality…





SurveyyearShould be acceptedShould be discouragedNeither/both equallyDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about hom*osexuality by state

Learn More: views about hom*osexuality, Should be accepted, Should be discouraged

Views about same-sex marriage among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who …same-sex marriage




SurveyyearStrongly favor/favorOppose/strongly opposeDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about same-sex marriage by state

Learn More: views about same-sex marriage, Strongly favor/favor, Oppose/strongly oppose

Views about environmental regulation among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say…





SurveyyearStricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economyStricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the costNeither/both equallyDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about environmental protection by state

Learn More: views about environmental regulation, Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy, Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost

Views about human evolution among adults in Texas

% of adults in Texas who say humans…




SurveyyearEvolved; due to natural processesEvolved; due to God's designEvolved; don't know howAlways existed in present formDon't knowSamplesize

Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.

Compare:views about human evolution by state

Learn More: views about human evolution, Evolved; due to natural processes, Evolved; due to God's design, Always existed in present form

Religious Landscape Study (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.