Setting A Custom Oh My Posh Theme In Windows Terminal Profiles - Ohmyposh (2024)

Tired of the stock Windows Terminal look? Want to personalize your command line experience? This guide will show you how to create a custom theme using Oh My Posh, a popular prompt theming framework. With Oh My Posh, you can craft a visually appealing and informative prompt that reflects your style and workflow.

Get ready to transform your Windows Terminal from bland to grand! Let’s dive in.

Setting A Custom Oh My Posh Theme In Windows Terminal Profiles - Ohmyposh (1)

Applying the Configuration to All Profiles (Windows Terminal)

The beauty of Windows Terminal lies in its ability to manage multiple profiles. While you can configure Oh My Posh for each profile individually, there’s a more efficient way to apply the custom theme to all profiles at once. Here’s how:

1. Locate the Windows Terminal settings file:

  • Open Windows Terminal.
  • Click the settings dropdown button (usually three horizontal dots) in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings.”

This will open the Windows Terminal settings file in your default text editor.

2. Modify the profiles section:

Within the settings file, you’ll find a section named “profiles” that defines each profile’s configuration. Here’s an example structure:



“profiles”: [


“name”: “powershell”,

// Other profile settings…



“name”: “wsl”,

// Other profile settings…




Use code with caution.


3. Add the oh-my-posh init line with the theme path:

Here’s the key step: locate the “init” key within each profile’s settings (under “name”) and add the oh-my-posh init <shell> –config <theme_path> line. Replace <shell> with the actual shell name (e.g., “powershell”, “cmd”) and <theme_path> with the complete path to your custom theme file (including the filename).

Here’s an example with the powershell profile:



“profiles”: [


“name”: “powershell”,

“commandline”: “pwsh.exe”,

“fontFace”: “MesloLGS NF Regular”,

“fontSize”: 12,

“initialSize”: [90, 30],

“colorScheme”: “Campbell”,

“acrylicOpacity”: 0.7,

“cursorStyle”: “vintage”,

“bellStyle”: “none”,

“historySize”: 10000,

“closeOnExit”: true,

“waitForExit”: false,

“serializeTabGroups”: true,

“padding”: [12, 12, 0, 12],

“snapToGrid”: true,

“tabTitleLength”: 30,

“showTabsInTitle”: true,

“inactiveColorScheme”: “OneHalfDark”,

“fontLigatures”: true,

// Add this line

“init”: “oh-my-posh pwsh –config \\path\\to\\your\\theme.json”


// Other profiles…



Use code with caution.


4. Save the settings file.

5. Restart Windows Terminal.

With these changes, whenever you launch Windows Terminal, all profiles will automatically load your custom Oh My Posh theme, providing a consistent and personalized experience across your entire command line environment.

Method 1: Default Settings File (Recommended) – Find and Apply Custom Theme

This method offers a cleaner approach by modifying the default settings file, ensuring your custom theme applies to all profiles without editing individual profile configurations. Here’s how:

1. Locate the Windows Terminal settings file:

  • Open Windows Terminal.
  • Click the settings dropdown button (usually three horizontal dots) in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings.”

This will open the Windows Terminal settings file in your default text editor.

2. Identify the “defaults” section:

Within the settings file, look for a section named “defaults”. This section defines default settings that will be inherited by all profiles unless overridden by individual profile configurations.

3. Set the theme property to “inherit”:

Navigate to the “themes” section within the “defaults” block. You’ll likely see predefined themes listed here. To inherit your custom theme, locate the theme property for each profile (e.g., “powershell” or “cmd”) and set it to “inherit”.

Here’s an example structure:



“defaults”: {

“schemes”: [

// Predefined color schemes…


“theme”: {

// Theme settings for individual profiles…

“powershell”: “Campbell”, // Change to “inherit”

“cmd”: “OneHalfDark”, // Change to “inherit”

// Other profiles…




Use code with caution.


4. Save the settings file.

5. Create or Update Your Custom Theme:

Remember, this method relies on having a custom theme file (.json format) defined elsewhere on your system. If you haven’t created one yet, refer to the Oh My Posh documentation for theme creation instructions.

  • Ensure your custom theme file path is accessible by Windows Terminal.
  • If you already have a theme, make sure the path in the “init” line of your individual profiles (if you previously configured them) matches the path referenced in the default settings file.

6. Restart Windows Terminal.

With these changes, all profiles will inherit the theme settings from your custom theme file, providing a consistent and personalized look across your entire Windows Terminal experience. This approach is recommended as it avoids modifying individual profile configurations and keeps your settings centralized.

Method 2: Individual Profile Settings (Less Preferred)

While less preferred due to potential redundancy, you can configure the custom theme for each profile individually. This method might be useful if you have specific theme needs for certain profiles.

1. Locate the Windows Terminal settings file:

  • Open Windows Terminal.
  • Click the settings dropdown button (usually three horizontal dots) in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings.”

This will open the Windows Terminal settings file in your default text editor.

2. Modify the theme property for each profile:

Within the settings file, you’ll find a section named “profiles” that defines each profile’s configuration. Here’s an example structure:



“profiles”: [


“name”: “powershell”,

// Other profile settings…



“name”: “cmd”,

// Other profile settings…




Use code with caution.


3. Set the theme property:

Locate the “theme” property within each profile’s settings (under “name”) and set it to the complete path of your custom theme file (including the filename).

Here’s an example with the powershell profile:



“profiles”: [


“name”: “powershell”,

“commandline”: “pwsh.exe”,

“fontFace”: “MesloLGS NF Regular”,

“fontSize”: 12,

“initialSize”: [90, 30],

“colorScheme”: “Campbell”,

“acrylicOpacity”: 0.7,

“cursorStyle”: “vintage”,

“bellStyle”: “none”,

“historySize”: 10000,

“closeOnExit”: true,

“waitForExit”: false,

“serializeTabGroups”: true,

“padding”: [12, 12, 0, 12],

“snapToGrid”: true,

“tabTitleLength”: 30,

“showTabsInTitle”: true,

“inactiveColorScheme”: “OneHalfDark”,

“fontLigatures”: true,

// Add this line

“theme”: “\\path\\to\\your\\theme.json”


// Other profiles…



Use code with caution.


4. Save the settings file.

D. Reload Profiles (Optional):

By default, changes to the settings file should take effect upon restarting Windows Terminal. However, if you want to see the updated theme immediately, you can simply close and reopen the terminal window.

Important Note:

This method requires modifying each profile individually, which can become cumbersome if you have many profiles. It’s also prone to inconsistencies if you forget to update a profile’s theme path. For a cleaner and more centralized approach, we recommend using the default settings file (Method 1).


In conclusion, you’ve now explored multiple ways to apply a custom Oh My Posh theme to your Windows Terminal profiles. For a streamlined approach that ensures consistency across all profiles, we recommend using the default settings file (Method 1). This method allows you to set the theme property to “inherit” for each profile, leveraging a central custom theme file for a unified look.

While Method 2 offers individual profile configuration, it’s less preferred due to potential redundancy and the risk of inconsistencies.

Whichever method you choose, you’re now well-equipped to personalize your Windows Terminal experience with a custom Oh My Posh theme, making your command line environment both informative and visually appealing.


What is OH-MY-POSH?

OH-MY-POSH is a prompt theme engine for PowerShell that enhances the appearance and functionality of the command-line interface.

What is Windows Terminal?

Windows Terminal is a modern terminal application for Windows 10 that supports various shells like PowerShell, Command Prompt, and WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Why set a Custom theme of OH-MY-POSH to all Windows Terminal profiles?

Setting a custom theme of OH-MY-POSH to all Windows Terminal profiles allows you to have a consistent and personalized look across all your terminal instances.

How can I set a Custom theme of OH-MY-POSH to all Windows Terminal profiles?

You can achieve this by modifying the settings.json file of Windows Terminal and configuring the “colorScheme” property to reference your desired OH-MY-POSH theme.

Where can I find OH-MY-POSH themes?

OH-MY-POSH comes with built-in themes, but you can also create your own custom themes or download additional themes from the OH-MY-POSH GitHub repository or other community sources.

Can I set different OH-MY-POSH themes for different Windows Terminal profiles?

Yes, you can customize the theme for each Windows Terminal profile individually by modifying the “colorScheme” property in the settings.json file for each profile.

What if I encounter issues while setting up the Custom theme for OH-MY-POSH in Windows Terminal?

If you encounter any issues, you can refer to the documentation for OH-MY-POSH and Windows Terminal, or seek help from online forums and communities dedicated to PowerShell and Windows Terminal customization.

Setting A Custom Oh My Posh Theme In Windows Terminal Profiles - Ohmyposh (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.